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2020-10-29 Jose Ismael Alva Ch. Personages of the Moche elite: The Lady of CAO and the Lords of Sipán See more
2020-10-14 Leslie Zúñiga y José Alva Andean Foods Series: Corn See more
2020-09-21 José Ismael Alva Ch. Mochica Agriculture: The Foods and the Farmers See more
2020-09-14 José Ismael Alva Ch. The breeding and hunting of animals in times of the Mochica culture See more
2020-09-07 José Ismael Alva Ch. The Mochica: Lords of the North Coast of Pre-Hispanic Peru See more
2020-07-29 José Ismael Alva Ch. The Andean Coastline Islands: Notes on their Economy and Rites in Pre-Hispanic Periods, Part 2 (Conclusion) See more
2020-07-08 José Ismael Alva Ch. y Leslie Zúñiga Becerra Series on Andean Food: The Zapallo Loche (Cucurbita Squash) See more
2020-07-07 José Ismael Alva Ch. y Leslie Zúñiga Becerra Series on Andean Food: Anchoveta See more
2020-07-03 José Ismael Alva Ch. y Leslie Zúñiga Becerra Series on Andean Food: The Llama and the Alpaca See more
2020-07-02 Ismael Alva Ch. And Leslie Zúñiga Becerra Series: Andean Foods El Pallar See more

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