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Research and Publications

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2020-07-01 José Ismael Alva Ch. The Andean Littoral Islands: Notes on their Economy and Rites in Pre-Hispanic Periods – part 1 See more
2020-06-10 Jose Ismael Alva Ch. y Leslie Zuñiga Becerra Series on Andean Food: Lúcuma See more
2020-06-08 Jose Ismael Alva Ch. y Leslie Zuñiga Becerra Series on Andean Food: Avocado See more
2020-05-26 Blog Bibliographic repository: Cultural Heritage and COVID-19 See more
2020-05-21 Leslie Zúñiga y José Alva Andean Foods: Ají Amarillo See more
2020-05-15 José Ismael Alva Chancos Apu Campana in the maritime records the XVII to the XIX centuries See more
2019-12-19 Rubén H. Buitron Picharde The Lambayeque funerary bundles from the El Brujo Archaeological Complex See more
2019-06-26 Jose Alva y Augusto Bazán Works in the Depots of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex: The Reconditioning of the Collections See more
2019-05-30 José Alva Works at the Depots of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex: Thermal Insulators See more
2019-04-30 Rubén Buitrón Conservation of the Wooden Idol See more

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