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2021-03-29 Helen Chavarria Jara See more
2021-03-03 Mary Avila Peltroche y Jose Ismael Alva Ch. Series on Andean food: The cuy (Guinea pig) See more
2021-02-24 Carlos Fuentes Romero The lunar animal: a northern tradition See more
2021-02-21 Katerine Albornoz The piruros of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex: Technology and tradition See more
2021-01-30 Erick Ernesto Acero Shapiama y Edson J. Palomino Rojas Landscape and resources in Moche times See more
2021-01-10 Helen Chavarria Jara y Edson Palomino Rojas Moche childhood seen from the El Brujo Archaeological Complex See more
2020-12-18 Carlos Zapata Benites Marked adobes and the organization of work in Moche society See more
2020-12-16 Complejo Arqueológico El Brujo See more
2020-11-30 Katerine Albornoz Spoons in ancient Peru See more
2020-11-06 Mary Ávila Peltroche Dogs in Pre-Hispanic Peru See more

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